If you truly know me, you may also realize I'm a standard Aquarious. When a vision visits, we buy some tack, saddle up, and ride it out to the sunset. Here we go, every idea, inspiration or intuition is a beautiful opportunity awaiting our adherence. Not always a particularly intellectual kind, but informationally inclined. Curiosity, chances and changes, we are swooped into the Air of a possibilities. So AS YOU COULD IMAGINE, when a particularly curly Jersey Wooly presents itself upon my breeding program, my reaction is elated. This could be my dreams coming true. I've envisioned a Texel like rabbit coat, and any rabbit fancier probably has too. Where are our Poodle Poofs of the rabbit fancy? Well I've got an interesting Jerseydoodle for you. 5 weeks old. Brushed. Wavy appearance to wool. 6 weeks. Quickly, wool grows at this age. These are darker photos, but this is where I first started realized that the wool on her breast was pretty curly. I worried this wool woul...
Years ago before I temporarily got out of rabbits, I had developed a passion for wanting to work on unshowable colors. The force behind the excitement then and now is the lack of time to attend shows. I figured, if I'm not showing, what would be so bad to accept a challenge to dedicating time to working on a variety, rather than time to showing. I'm a single woman homesteader, not usually presenting any time to leave home too often. Sarah at DTL Rabbitry sold me a blue/fawn Harlequin doe when I added rabbits back into my life. I had a broken siamese sable buck who carries non-extension, and bred them together, our first litter was a blue, a broken black, and a broken blue tort tri-color, all does. We kept the two brokens to make our foundation. Pictured, said doe from Sarah, "DTL's Meg"... such a sweet doe, long as a school bus, incredible wool. These two kits were actually very nice prototypes. I did not expect a tri-color on the first go around, although a s...